In the midst of the digital age, it has never been more important for users to be receptive to the message you are sending out in order to convert these users into sales and returning visitors. Depending on your Google Ads reach and budget, your ads are likely serving hundreds or thousands of impressions per month. By making changes to your underperforming ads, imagine how much you could improve the performance of your campaigns!

Improve the success of your Google Ads ads in 3 easy steps:

Ad Rotation

The default ad rotation in Google Ads is ‘Optimise for clicks’ but this definitely does not mean it will be the best ad rotation option for your ads. Each of your ads will perform differently due to their contents, time of day shown, day of the week shown and many other independent variables. Optimising your ad rotation will ensure that the right ads are showing at the right time, to the right user to increase the likelihood of them completing your desired action once they click through to your website. By monitoring your ad performance you will be able to find trends that you can incorporate into your ad rotation strategy. Alongside ad rotation, monitoring your % served will enable you to single out ads that are barely serving and swap it with an entirely new ad that may end up becoming your top performer!

Multiple Ads

Providing 3-5 ads per ad group with your optimised ad rotation in place can help you reach different users at different times with different call to actions and offers. The more ads you are offering, the more ad content options you have to show to your audience to click through as well as increasing the likelihood of your ads appealing to your users.

Utilise Ad Extensions

Enabling ad extensions for your PPC campaigns are a great way to increase the size of your paid listing, add more valuable information to your ad and increase your CTR. Ad extensions are part of Ad Rank so not only will applying ad extensions to your ads benefit the user, but they will also benefit the performance of your ads. You can never add too many ad extensions as the system will choose the four most relevant to the users search query.


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