It’s that time of year where you’re working through your house, wardrobe and office to declutter all the mess from your life that doesn’t add value and distracts you. Whilst you’re at it, have you decluttered your Google Ads account lately?

Sometimes we can be so busy experimenting with new campaigns and ideas that we are unknowingly manoeuvring around clutter, old campaigns and simply junk that needs to go. It’s time to start a fresh and clear your workspace so you can be more productive. Here are our top tips on the main items to remove from your Google Ads account to make PPC management far easier!

Keywords With Low/No Search Volume

First things first, low volume keywords. The keywords tab is where a lot of clutter can pile up and go unnoticed if you have multiple filters hiding the mess. Inactive keywords can get in the way and become a hindrance when optimising, so here is what we suggest.

  1. Filter for keywords with no search volume
  2. Adjust your timeframe to 12-18 months so you can see the performance of the keywords
  3. Identify which keywords have had no impressions or very low impressions during that time
  4. Pause the keywords that are taking up space and not yielding results

Ad Groups With No Impressions

Look at the ad groups that make up your campaigns and identify any that have 0 impressions. Be careful before pausing whole ad groups, you need to do some checks before finalising the pause! Such as:

  1. Is the ad group set up correctly? i.e. does it have no impressions because there are no ads within it/no keyword targeting?
  2. Is the targeting set up correctly? Is your location targeting too narrow?
  3. Is this a new ad group that hasn’t had time to accrue data?

Feeling out of your depth? We provide PPC management services for many of our clients and have seen great success. Find out more about our services and read the case studies.