Is WordPress still fit for purpose?

Everyone who has had experience with the technicals of a website, (or is a webmaster who owns a site,) will have heard of WordPress. Chances are, that the website uses WordPress as its platform too! However, a recent study has looked closely at WordPress and examined whether it is still relevant today in 2021, as it was when first rolled out. Our latest blog post will consider why this is.

WordPress is what is known as a CMS (Content Management System,) it first became live in 2003 as a blogging platform and has evolved with the purpose of one sole aim – ensuring that content can be delivered to web browsers associated with a desktop. Fast forward nearly two decades and things have changed. Mobile phones have (literally) got smarter, and more can be done than just making calls or sending text messages. In 2021, we know this, because mobile search on Google for example has overtaken desktop search and this has been the case for at least a few years now. In response to this, a lot of algorithms and updates have been geared towards mobile and mobile experience. The recent changes including the likes of Core Web Vitals all have speed and efficiency at their heart, with this focusing on how it applies to users who search for websites and browse them on their smartphone or tablet devices. Does this now mean then that the original purpose that WordPress was built for has become outdated or even obsolete, as a change away from desktop was never in the DNA of the programme?

Today in 2021, WordPress still commands a great deal of the CMS market share. Research has shown that since 2015, the share has consistently been around 60%, so no-one can deny that WordPress is still vital and relevant, and doesn’t appear to be disappearing anytime soon. This is confirmed by the fact that there are over 60,000 plugins associated with this CMS, which gives an idea of the scale of dominance it has.

Unfortunately, even the mighty have weaknesses, and for WordPress its speed and processing ability is its downfall – perhaps not surprising given how complex the system is. The problem with this is the likes of recent updates, like the Core Web Vitals or Google Page Experience, which bring factors such as speed and load time to the front of what makes a good website. It is because of this that many people are wondering whether WordPress has passed its peak, as people are well aware that websites that load quicker and are faster (in general,) are more likely to attract higher search results positions. With this in mind, it has been concluded WordPress hosted sites could be a hindrance to this. A recent report seems to suggest that people are looking towards other forms of CMS (away from WordPress,) that could deliver exactly what is needed for today. Whether this catches on and whether people are willing to jump away from something they are very familiar and content with remains to be seen.

WordPress is definitely not going anywhere – at least for now. Research shows that even the closest rival to WordPress as a CMS, lacks way behind in popularity and uptake. Maybe WordPress itself can now evolve since this report has come to light, ensuring it keeps its loyal users, whilst becoming fit for the 2020 decade and beyond? WordPress is still fit for purpose today, but if the platform doesn’t change soon, this might not always be the case?

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