All elements of your digital marketing strategy rely on landing pages that convert; often the primary reason your SEO, PPC or social media efforts are failing is because your landing pages just aren’t that good.

A good landing page provides information, whilst being visually enticing with the goal to lead to conversions at a good conversion rate. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to hire a web designer or spend hours editing your landing pages for them to perform better.

Here are our top tips on how to improve your landing pages to improve the conversion rate of your digital marketing activities in 2019:


Unless you’ve recently had a redesign it’s likely you haven’t had a proper look at your landing pages for a while. It’s understandable you’d be biased about your own website, so ask your family, friends and colleagues to look at your landing pages and give their feedback on what’s good and what would put them off converting.

Alternatively, you could test multiple different landing page layouts to see which works best on actual customers. Changing things such as the page copy, position and number of CTA buttons and colours can make all the difference to the performance of your pages.


Keep Forms Simplistic

Long, complicated forms that require a lot of information users may be sensitive to give away will only drive away customers. Your forms should ask for minimal information, be clear and concise as well as being easy to complete and submit.

Change Your Headings

Your headings are likely the largest text on your web pages, therefore attract the most attention, so your first port of call should be to optimise your headings with more enticing language and see if this improves your conversion rate.

Users can be emotive and respond differently to different types of language, so experiment with different headings and see which works best!


Provide More Call To Actions

The key role of a landing page is to drive sales/leads/conversions, but often the ‘add to basket’ call to action isn’t enough alone to encourage users to convert.

There is a fine line between adding additional elements/content to support sales and distracting them with unnecessary content.

Elements such as bulleted lists of features, ‘people also bought’ widget and more.

Consider Live Chat

If you have a product that people like to research and don’t simply purchase on first click, you may want to consider the addition of a live chat functionality so that users can have direct contact with a sales person that knows the product and can answer any questions.

No one knows and can sell your product better than you can, so having a 24/7 live chat can be very effective.