A guide to recent Bing Ads updates

Bing search has increased its market share in recent years to 20% of the market. The share from Bing 6 years ago was just 6%. Recent changes will continue to help the growth of Bing ads, ensuring they’re offering a solid service. Some of the newer features on offer from Bing include an iOS app for Bing Ads, meaning that you can get notifications instantly if there are issues with your account and you can easily take a look at the performance of your campaigns. Bulk editing has also been introduced meaning that you can make a string of changes to campaigns and ads a lot more quickly and easily.
Bing changed the interface of its BingAds home page recently to improve its usability for customers. The dashboard has been improved to help quickly and more easily review ad performance. The display is much improved and more in line with Google Adwords. You now get an easily scannable performance graph and KPI summary like Adwords.

Automated rules

Users have been requesting this kind of addition to the service for some time. You can now automate campaigns, ad groups and keywords. Use the new “Automate” menu and choose “create rule for campaign”. You can then enable rules such as change bids, pause, enable and raise bids to first page bid. For example you could create a rule which says – increase your maximum bid – by 20% – when you drop …. This new feature will help you to keep your ads on the first page or achieve whatever your goal may be.

The campaign planner
You can now see which competitors are bidding on the same keywords as you and how you stack up against the competition. You will see a “competition” tab in the menu. You can use this tab to gain information about your ten closest competitors. The campaign planner is a great tool and can give you great insights into a number of such as search volume trends and device targeting.

Universal event tracking
UET was launched in 2014 but was an important development for Bing ads. This helps to further their success and diversity, pushing them closer to their competition. Universal event tracking allows users to define goals and track events for performance and conversions. It is easy to implement with only one tag needed across all campaigns and accounts. Monitor bounce rates, time on site and keyword assist