Google welcomes Twitter

In an update to SEO news we can today confirm that Twitter search results are now being shown in organic searches when using the Google search engine. This has been a developing concept yet is now being rolled out totally and fully (as long as you speak English that is!)

The news was broadcast on the Twitter station aswell as Googles own blog and comes after attempts to ‘trickle’ the stages leading towards this point. For example earlier back in the Spring, Twitter results (known as Tweets) were being showed in mobile searches, while a few weeks ago this began happening for desktop searches aswell. Now the decision has been taken that this will apply for all English Language using searches. This marks the arrival of yet another change and development in the SEO world. If and when this will apply for other languages has not been made clear yet.

Pretty much as anyone would expect, Tweets appear within the main body of the Google search panels, and only what Google deems to be relevant tweets will be shown (obviously helping with the idea of a more targeted search.) Actual Twitter accounts will not be needed by the searcher to review the results found either.

At a hint for the future, Google have already said that as this new venture becomes established and grows, ‘relevancy’ and ‘ranking’ of any Twitter results displayed will become a feature. This tells us that Google is constantly looking to continue and find new ways to deliver high quality searches.

Just to prove we wasn’t dreaming and imagining this announcement, we have done our own search to see if this works. You don’t have to go far (by typing a well-known brand) to find that this is indeed a reality.

We are based in Birmingham, so it was rude not to do a simple search of “Cadbury” to show the point:

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