Google to show Twitter posts in Search results

If you are lucky, you will have recently seen Twitter posts in your Google searches on your mobile phone. Google have confirmed that they are experimenting by searching twitter feeds for information which will be relevant to search results. The experiment should be rolled out further as the month progresses, and will likely be a permanent fixture by the end of the month.


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Google had already been showing Twitter posts in their results in the past. But Google have recently signed a deal with Twitter which will allow them a lot more access to posts and information, meaning we should be seeing a lot more from Twitter in our search results. When trending topics are searched, results are likely to show the top tweets from twitter in Google search results.
Following on from the Google- Twitter deal signed in February, Google will now receive tweets as they are posted (real time), rather than having to crawl the site as it has in the past.


This is good progress in the world of web, considering Twitter currently claims to have 302 million monthly active users with 500 million tweets sent per day. Posts and news from twitter will now be more searchable online, offering advantages for all, including more exposure for Twitter. As 80% of Twitter users are active on mobiles, this makes the mobile experiment extremely relevant to users and well targeted.
Make sure your business is active on Twitter for more SERP exposure.