New Google Street View app launched

Google has launched a dedicated Street View app, making it easier for you to use the service without having to navigate through Google maps. Users can still access Street View from within Google Maps if they wish, but the new app hopes to make things easier and faster for users. The app also offers additional functionality. Users will be able to view images of locations from around the world, but also upload their own.


Google have discovered that people may use Street view to view destinations for fun, not just for navigational purposes. It can be interesting to view destinations that you would love to visit, or check out the location that you are going to on your holidays. You can therefore now browse imagery from popular locations – ‘street view collections’. Images are available in the form of 360 degree panoramas.


If you would like to upload your own images to the database, Google encourages you to “create photo spheres to add your own Street View experiences” You can take images and upload directly from your mobile phone or use a special camera that is intended for 360 degree photography.

The app will be available to both android and iOS devices.