Desktop Chrome users – would switching to another browser be better?

In recent weeks and months there has been much talk about the Google Chrome search browser. There have been reports over issues with tracking, along with security and safety. This has left many to question the browser and whether they should turn to alternatives. This all said, Google Chrome is one of the most well-known, highly used and most popular browsers of all, whether on desktop or mobile. Chrome still enjoys a loyal fan based despite some of the concerns which have recently surfaced. There is however a new expansion in a rival search engine to Chrome, and it is set to further enhance secure browsing by covering all users. Will this be enough to sway you away from Chrome? Our latest blog post explores this further.

Notice above we said ‘new expansion’ rather than ‘new rival’. This is because the search engine in question already exists, in the name of DuckDuckgo. We are confident that many of you will have heard of it or even used it before now.

DuckDuckgo is bringing forward a beta version of its browser which focuses on privacy. This is for the Mac platform, but will soon be available for windows users too. The company has reported working on a desktop version of this privacy focused search facility for a few months now, and this has been confirmed as being able to be released soon.  

What are the benefits of using this verses other browsers?

* There is a block on tracking by third parties as you are browsing or searching the internet.

* Your search history is kept private away from prying eyes, allowing you to browse with confidence.

This may sound no different to many other search browsers including Chrome you may be thinking!? The important difference here is that these features are standard when searching. With many of the other search engines you have to opt in for them to become active, and this is often behind a complicated process which can be difficult to find or follow. It is common knowledge that search engines can get paid by third parties for accessing your browsing history so it would make sense that turning off such features are hard to find.

Why focus on desktop if mobile and smartphone usage is greater?

Whilst mobile searching does outweigh desktop, it is important to point out that this lower percentage still encompasses a massive amount of people who use desktop search. DuckDuckgo have felt desktop searchers needs have not been listened to and addressed which has been evidenced by research and feedback according to them, by people expressing any interest in protected searching to be available on desktop. This expansion and addition to its mobile related app and features will now mean that the same protections are available however you are searching.

Many people are already getting excited by this prospect stating that it removes the need to be tech savvy in having to implement settings and preferences – users can simply just get on with searching. The fact that many people are already talking about this also proves that the use of desktop is still well and truly alive!

Maybe you are a business that does work in an office using a PC where it would be impossible to do it on a phone? Maybe you just prefer a desktop sometimes? Soon you will have an option of privacy and safe browsing as standard when using this specific search engine. This does at least allow users further choice, which is something that should never be taken away.

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