LinkedIn is the most important social media platform for B2B businesses and can be extremely effective for lead generation.

For brands looking to reach a professional demographic to sell or pitch to, LinkedIn is the place to be.

Here are the most important LinkedIn statistics for 2018:

  • LinkedIn has 260 million monthly active users
  • 40% of the 260 million monthly active users use the platform daily
  • 40 million LinkedIn users are decision makers in their businesses
  • Millennials make up a large proportion of total users. 87 million of the 2 billion millennials worldwide have profiles on LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn is the favourite content distribution platform of B2B businesses with 94% using LinkedIn over Twitter (89%) and Facebook (77%)
  • 43% of marketers that actively use LinkedIn have gained at least one lead through LinkedIn
  • 79% of B2B users favour LinkedIn as an effective lead generation tool
  • 56% primarily use LinkedIn on their mobile devices
  • 50% of all social traffic to B2B blogs and websites comes from LinkedIn
  • Only 0.2% of LinkedIn users have published an article on LinkedIn
  • Content with titles that have 40-49 characters perform the best
  • Content with exactly 8 images perform the best
  • All of B2B leads, 80% come from LinkedIn compared to Twitter (13%) and Facebook (7%)

If you are looking to incorporate LinkedIn into your digital marketing strategy, get in touch to see how we can help.