Twitter ad management on mobile

Twitter has in the last week announced that twitter ads can now be managed when you are out and about. If you are on the train or on your way to a meeting, you will now be able to update ads whenever suits your schedule. The twitter feature for mobile is now available around the globe on android and iOS
A spokesperson for Twitter has said “The mobile tool lets you check campaign performance, optimize budget and schedule and respond to notifications” Twitter is calling the tool the twitter ads companion. It was originally introduced as an experiment, but is now finalised and available to all.

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You will now see a graph icon at the top of your profile. This will lead you to the mobile advertising management page. Alternatively if you have a model of iPhone, older than 6 you can find the twitter ads companion under the gear icon. You can now view and adjust your campaigns from here. View impressions, spend, engagement, engagement rate, cost. Use this information to assess how your ads are performing and subsequently adjust budgets and schedules and pause or resume ads.

So now when you get a notification telling you your campaign is out of budget, you can just click on the email to go straight to your app, so you can increase the budget, making sure you do not miss out on prime time advertising!